Signs of organ damage after an accident

On Behalf of | Feb 1, 2024 | Blog, Injuries

After an accident, the injured person may not notice any immediate pain and think that the incident did not result in any harm. However, internal injuries can take time to display, possibly even weeks.

One type of internal wound that can have a significant impact is organ damage or, even worse, organ failure. However, awareness of the signs can improve the odds of finding effective treatments before too much harm occurs.

Excessive fatigue or weakness

A sudden onset of excessive tiredness could signal various types of organ dysfunction. For example, the liver processes nutrients and detoxifies the blood. If It suffers damage, it cannot handle these processes well, leading to a lack of energy and overall fatigue.

Also, kidney problems could create a sense of faintness or weakness. The kidneys filter waste from the blood and maintain electrolyte balance. Dysfunction in the kidneys could cause a buildup of toxins in the body and intense fatigue.

Trouble with the bladder

Sudden issues with incontinence or alterations in urine color could signal serious problems with the bladder. The root cause could be an infection. However, bladder troubles could even come from spinal cord injuries and neurological issues that disrupt the signals between the brain and the bladder.

At the same time, a decreased urine output could be a sign of acute kidney failure. Unfortunately, this condition can be fatal and requires quick treatment.

Abnormal swelling in the body

A person may want to chalk up swelling to eating certain foods or bumps and bruises. Instead of dismissing abnormal swelling, an injured individual may want to ensure that it is not a sign of edema, which is a buildup of fluid in the tissues.

Congestive heart failure can be one cause of edema, as can liver disease and kidney disease. When swelling accompanies shortness of breath, chest pain or an irregular heartbeat, a person should speak to a physician to find the root cause.

The organs perform vital functions in the body, and untreated damage could result in expensive and life-altering ailments. By being aware of the signs of organ damage, a wounded person could address the injury and prevent further harm.