Office workers may develop carpal tunnel syndrome

On Behalf of | Apr 11, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

In your wrist, small bones form a channel called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve, a major hand nerve that traverses the area from the neck to the fingers, travels through this area.

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when, usually due to repetitive strain, the nerve becomes compressed. Office workers are especially vulnerable to it because they often perform repetitive motions, such as typing, for long periods in restricted positions. It is important to recognize potential indicators of the condition so you can obtain the appropriate treatment if necessary.


One of the main symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is pain in the hand and fingers that may radiate up the forearm to the shoulder. This pain may be dull or burning and may be intermittent, only appearing at certain times like nighttime. You may also experience numbness or tingling, or even an electric shock-like sensation. You may notice a loss of strength in your grip, making it harder to hold objects tightly or perform detailed tasks.


Carpal tunnel syndrome does not always require corrective surgery. Splints, exercises, medication, steroid injections and activity changes are non-surgical options that can help if the condition is caught early enough. Surgery comes in if the damage is severe or if these measures do not work.

While you may not be able to avoid repetitive motion as part of your office duties, you can mitigate the pressure you place on your wrist. Tactics that may help you avoid developing or worsening carpal tunnel syndrome include placing your wrist in an ergonomic position and frequently stretching it. If you experience symptoms and believe they are the result of your work, you may qualify for workers’ compensation to help you obtain treatment.