New Jersey residents may have heard about something called the UPFRONT-study. Its goal was to learn more about patient outcomes after suffering a mild traumatic brain injury. Data was gleaned from patients who were recruited at trauma centers between 2013 and 2015 and were classified as mild traumatic brain injury patients under standards set by the European Federation of Neurological Societies.
The study included patients that were hospitalized as well as those who were sent home from the emergency room right away. Of the 1,151 patients who took part in the survey, 60 percent were admitted to the hospital and 48 percent stayed for one day. Two weeks after being hurt, both hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients reported five post-traumatic events on average. Furthermore, after six months, 46 percent of those who were labeled non-hospitalized complained of one or more post-traumatic event.
This number increased to 61 percent for those who were hospitalized. While most patients had recovered from their injuries after six months, 22 percent were left with a moderate disability while another 8 percent were said to have suffered a severe disability. Of those who were non-hospitalized, 21 percent experienced a negative outcome while 34 percent of hospitalized patients did not have a positive outcome. However, it is important to note that most patients who are hospitalized suffered more severe injuries to begin with.
A traumatic brain injury may have both short and long-term impacts on a patient. If such an injury was caused by the negligence of another party, such as an impaired driver, an attorney could be of assistance in seeking compensation on behalf of the injured victim for the losses that were sustained.