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Pedestrian accidents and time of day

On Behalf of | Feb 28, 2024 | Blog, Injuries

Pedestrian safety is a major concern for communities around the world, as pedestrians are among the most vulnerable road users. One factor that significantly influences the risk of pedestrian accidents is the time of day.

Understanding how different times of day affect pedestrian safety can help raise awareness and prevent accidents on the road.

Daytime accidents

During the daytime, pedestrian accidents are often influenced by factors such as visibility and traffic volume. In busy urban areas, the daytime can see a higher volume of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Pedestrians may also be more visible to drivers during the day, but distractions, such as smartphones or other activities, can still pose risks to safety.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pedestrian accidents led to 104,000 visits to emergency departments during 2020, based on estimates.

Nighttime accidents

As daylight fades and evening approaches, the risk of pedestrian accidents can increase. Reduced visibility, especially in poorly lit areas, can make it harder for drivers to see pedestrians crossing the road or walking along the roadside. The hours of darkness, from dusk to dawn, are the most dangerous time for pedestrians. Limited visibility, combined with factors like drunk driving, fatigue and speeding, make nighttime pedestrian accidents particularly hazardous.

Pedestrians should wear reflective clothing and carry flashlights to increase their visibility to drivers during these low-light conditions. Drivers should always yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and be vigilant for pedestrians, especially in low-light conditions. Remember, pedestrian safety is a shared responsibility that requires cooperation and awareness from all road users.